
Say True or False. If false give the correct answer:
1.     Last year the students learnt about the book.
     Answer: False.
     Correct answer: Last year the students learnt how to tell the time.
2.     Mita brings a cake in the class.
     Answer: False.
     Correct answer: Mita brings her clock in the class.
3.     The long and the small hands are at the same place.
     Answer: False.
     Correct answer: The long and the small hands are not at the same place.
4.     Ms Asma Haque is happy.
     Answer: True.
5.     The students look at the clock and tell the time.
     Answer: True.

Main words              Similar words
Learn                         Gather Knowledge
Worry                        Be nervous/Be unrest
Following                  Next/below

Main words              Opposite words
Worry                        Relax/calm
Following                  Above/ Previous
Tell                            Listen
Happy                       Sad
Curious                     Not interested/Callous


Main words         Similar words
Teach                   Impoart knowledge/instruct
Instruction            Order/direction
Carefully              Sincerely
Complete              Finish
Silent                    Quiet

Main words         Opposite words
Carefully              Carelessly
Silent                    Noise
Complete              Incomplete
Below                   Above/up

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